Thursday, January 10, 2008

Shave or not to Shave?

I've been thinking a lot lately about shaving my head. "What the hell? Am I crazy??!" Yah, I think so. It's not so much for getting attention or adding any strain of charisma to my personality. Rather, I just think my parents should have done this a long time ago. Perhaps maybe when I was a baby? That way, my hair will grow out thicker. Right now, I am stressing out because I'm not getting enough sleep, work is retarded, and my diet is in the toilet. Nothing healthy has been on my agenda for years and it's really starting to catch up with me. So of course, to revamp myself, I figured I'd start from top to bottom. What's up top? My hair.

The second dilemma is whether or not my boss would get pissed at me for doing this. Not that it's any of her business but my shaving my head would probably add some life to our department. Although, knowing how old-fashioned they are, I would probably be forced to buy a wig and wear that for the rest of the hair growing term. You know, when I went to AsiaSF, those gender illusionists really had the best wigs I had ever seen in my entire cultured life. I've seen some good wigs and I've seen some bad ones but honey, these rocked and it looked so incredibly real that they motivated me to want to shave off my real hair and put on some acrylic hair.

Who knows? Maybe that is real hair donated by kind individuals who have been blessed with long locks of Fabio looking tresses and are trying to do good by donating to Locks of Love. But I don't have cancer. I'm not dying. I don't have any terminal diseases whose treatment has side effects that would make me want to die anyway. I'm just your average, nonconventional worrywart trying to up their self esteem by getting fake hair, a new body, and a new attitude. But don't come up to me and start asking me when I'm going to shave it because it just might encourage me to talk about it, hence leading me to actually maybe do it. Oh, too late, we're talking about it now. And I'm thinking, it's winter. It's too cold to have a shaved head. Shoot, now I'll need a hat. The shopping list for self-renewal is endless!!

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