Sunday, January 6, 2008

Thoughts when you're sick

I'm sick for the 3rd time in the past 4 weeks. Today, it was raining like all the apostles were balling. All I could think about was my poor car and how I wished I could put it in the garage. Alas, I cannot. There is so much crap in my garage that there is probably a family of rodents chillin in the unused bookshelves and feeding off of the gazillion lbs. of discounted cereal we have expiring as I write. Every time a huge storm rolls into town, I like to think about the homeless people. Where do they go? What do they do? What should I do? Anything to help? What if they lose their stuff? Do they have to collect all over again? I guess so if you've lost everything. But then again, how can you lose everything when you have nothing? In this case, I doubt the Lost & Found can help. They'd be quite crowded if this were possible. And then there's those idiots who post things on craigslist's lost + found category. Um, yes, if I've lost my wallet with my ID, credit cards, and social security card in it (yes, I know I shouldn't have that in there. Someone please remind me to take it out next time you see me), the first thing I'd do is check craigslist to see if anyone found it. Yah, I'll most definitely do THAT.

Anyway, it's actually 3:28 AM right now. According to the timestamp, I started writing at 11:55 PM. That's what I get for multitasking with keeping up with Myspace and Facebook as two of those tasks. Boy, that sure takes some sweet time! I'd better use an alarm next time. Y'know, just to have a deadline. I can never make it as a journalist. How lame is that?

I think being a journalist would be a great job. Kinda like what Carrie does on Sex & the City? How cool would it be to get paid documenting my personal life? Of course, that would have a strict requirement that my life be interesting enough to produce a column in a trashy tabloid, that of which I will surely fail. For example, all I did today was watch television, eat macaroni with spam & cream of mushroom soup, and look out the window at my car. Oh, and I texted a few folks that I was sick and will not be joining them at the birthday party I was invited to. I should have gone too because I heard it was going to be a sausage fest. Voila, the example of a life less interesting than watching mold grow. I guess in order to creatively write that way, I'd have to have a lot more sex. Cuz sex sells, right? That's what I heard. Ahh, spam. And I tried to be pescetarian for's sad that spam is what broke me.

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